Catching up with AIMES Alumni Cam Calkoen

Just wanted to reach out and say my thoughts are with you and the the NHC community. I really enjoyed been connected with you all over the years and know that during this time to community will be experiencing a real mix of everything. Here’s a little bit of awesomeness to contribute to theirs...

I’m currently in Napier within my bubble. This was a town once devastated by a massive earthquake, a town that in a time of disaster adopted the byline of ‘without vision the people perish’. Napier rebuilt itself in the era of Art Deco and started to attract people from all over the world to its once devastated township, from its worst days came its best…and these kind of reminders about resilience continue to be around us.

Here’s a little message of awesomeness from me, to you, to share as far as you wish